What are my health risks, costs and calories from drinking alcohol?

What could I gain or save from drinking less?

Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol & Health

Canada has a new alcohol guidance that outlines a continuum of risk for alcohol-related harms as follows:

  • No risk at 0 standard drinks per week
  • Low risk at 1 to 2 standard drinks per week 
  • Moderate risk at 3 to 6 standard drinks per week 
  • Increasingly high risk at 7 or more standard drinks per week 

Did you know?

  • Consuming more than 2 standard drinks per occasion increases the risk of harm to yourself and others
  • Youth under the legal drinking age should delay alcohol use for as long as possible

No matter where you are on the continuum, drinking less is best. Explore our calculator to see how alcohol impacts you and what you can gain from drinking less.

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