Do you KNOW how alcohol impacts you?

Enter your current drinking to explore how alcohol impacts your health, costs and calories. Enter a reduced amount to see your gains and savings from drinking less. Calculations are based on standard drink sizes. 

Carefully reflect on your drinking habits; it’s common for people to underestimate how much they drink.


Age Input Section

Sex Input Section

Sex Health estimates are based on sex assigned at birth.

Current Consumption Section

standard drinks per week

Target Consumption Section

standard drinks per week
Calculate for

Lookup Values

Validation String Results

CURRENT Consumption Calculations

TARGET Consumption Calculations

Health impacts - Current

 drinks per week





 per week


Increased disease risks

Health impacts - Target

 drinks per week





 per week


Increased disease risks

Health impacts - Benefits

 fewer drinks per week





 fewer per week


Decreased excess disease risk


COST impacts - Current

 drinks per week

COST impacts - Target

&nbspdrinks per week

Cost Savings

 fewer drinks per week




Calories - Current

 drinks per week



Calorie equivalents

Required field
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© 2025 University of Victoria
Website by SUPERUS

Know Alcohol Feedback

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How do you plan to use the information from ‘Know Alcohol’ in your life? Select all that apply: