The Canadian Institute of Substance Use Research (CISUR) created Know Alcohol to give Canadians the latest evidence-based information on alcohol to help them make better decisions about their drinking. Our website aims to promote Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health and is the first to provide personalized information on alcohol consumption and the benefits of drinking less.
CISUR's research and knowledge-sharing activities support a wide range of projects aimed at preventing and reducing harm from substance use in diverse populations locally, nationally, and internationally.
Know Alcohol was created in partnership with the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) and is funded by a contribution from Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP). The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.
Know Alcohol’s campaign is based on the idea that Canadians have the right to know how alcohol affects their health and well-being.
Our materials aim to promote knowledge and spark curiosity about the health risks, costs, and calories associated with alcohol, while also highlighting the potential benefits of drinking less.
We encourage you to share Know Alcohol’s campaign materials within your networks.
You don’t need permission to share these materials as-is. However, if you’d like to feature Know Alcohol as part of a larger campaign or adapt the materials (e.g., for translations or adding institutional logos), please email us.
Social media (Facebook and Instagram)
Posters for print
We also invite you to promote CCSA's campaign Drink Less Live More.
If you have specific questions or inquiries about Know Alcohol, please email