Benefits of Drinking Less

Why People Drink or Don’t

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People choose to drink or abstain from alcohol for various reasons. Which of these resonates with you?

Why People Drink:

  • To feel good or better (e.g., to cope with stress, pain, trauma, depression, or anxiety)
  • To relax or fall asleep
  • To have fun or celebrate with others
  • To fit in or feel accepted
  • To have new experiences or relieve boredom

Why People Don’t Drink or Cut Back:

  • To prevent or manage health problems (e.g., chronic diseases or weight gain)
  • To adhere to religious, cultural, or personal values
  • Because they are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding
  • To perform better (e.g., in relationships, work, school, athletics or hobbies)
  • Because of negative experiences with alcohol in the past (e.g., personal or secondhand harms)

Whether and how much you drink may change depending on your experiences, life circumstances, and age.

Are you considering drinking less? Explore our calculator to see how alcohol impacts your life and what you could gain by drinking less or abstaining.

Harms from Alcohol

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Drinking alcohol, particularly having more than 2 standard drinks per occasion, poses harm to yourself. Do you recognize these common concerns from drinking?

  • Hangovers
  • Injuries or health problems
  • Anger, impatience, or loss of control
  • Strained or broken relationships
  • Financial or legal problems
  • Work or school problems
  • Signs of an alcohol use disorder, formerly known as alcoholism

Approximately 21% of Canadians (4.8 million) who drink alcohol have experienced at least one alcohol-related harm in the past year, such as:

  • Trouble remembering what happened the night before
  • Failing to do what was normally expected of them
  • Feeling guilt or remorse after drinking
  • Difficulty stopping drinking once started
  • Needing a drink in the morning after a heavy drinking session

Your alcohol use can also harm others. Second-hand harms from alcohol are common, and include physical violence, sexual harassment and assault, emotional abuse, child abuse or neglect, vandalism, public disturbances, and drunk-driving collisions.

Are you experiencing harms from your own or someone else’s alcohol use? You’re not alone. See our resources for help.

Why Less is Best

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Drinking alcohol, whether a little or a lot, can harm your current and future health. That’s why drinking less, regardless of your age or how much you drink, has benefits.

Did you know? By drinking less or abstaining from alcohol, you could...

  • Lower your risk of developing health conditions (e.g., cancer, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.) or better manage existing ones
  • Reduce your risk of injury or violence
  • Consume fewer “empty” calories and lose weight
  • Save money
  • Improve your mental health, sleep, and relationships
  • Decrease second-hand harms from alcohol

Use our calculator to learn how much you could lower your health risks, save money, and reduce your calories by drinking less.

Are you considering cutting back? Read our tips for drinking less.

Disclaimer: Reducing or quitting drinking is a challenge for many people and may signal an alcohol use disorder. Ask your healthcare provider about the various options available to support you.

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© 2025 University of Victoria
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