Get Help

If you are in an emergency, call 9-1-1 or visit your local emergency room.

Support Services

location icon

Looking for help near you? Browse provincial and territorial alcohol support and treatment services.

If you or someone you know needs help with alcohol use, the following services are available for free:

Mental Health Resources

  • A directory of mental health and crisis supports available nationally and by province or territory.

Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Meetings and supports for people with alcohol use problems.


  • Meetings and supports for people who are worried about someone with alcohol use problems.

SMART Recovery

  • Meetings, resources and online communities to address substance use and addictive behaviours using an evidence-based approach.

9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline

  • Call or text 9-8-8 to be connected to a responder 24/7.

National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) 

  • A directory of federally funded First Nations & Inuit treatment services in each province/territory.

Holding Hope Support Group

  • Peer-led support groups for families with loved ones living with an alcohol use disorder.

Families for Addiction Recovery

  • Peer support services for families, parents, and caregivers of children with problem alcohol use.

Drug Rehab Centers Canada

  • Provides free confidential support and referrals for people looking for rehab centres in Canada.


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Assessing your relationship with alcohol can help you make informed decisions about your health and seek support if needed. Typically, a self-assessment includes reflecting on how often and how much you drink alcohol, and the impact drinking has on your life.

Explore these tools to assess your alcohol use:

AUDIT – Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test

  • A ten-item questionnaire used to screen for excessive drinking and alcohol use disorders.

Source: World Health Organization

Knowing Your Limits with Alcohol: A Practical Guide to Assessing Your Drinking

  • Provides tips and guidance for individuals considering changing their alcohol consumption to a lower-risk level.

Source: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

You and Substance Use: Things to Think About and Ways to Make Changes

  • Helps individuals examine their substance use behaviour, decide if they are ready for change, and initiate steps towards it.

Source: Here to Help

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Calculator

  • Demonstration tool to understand intoxication on drinking occasions.

Source: DrinkSmart

Help With Drinking

  • Provides information and resources to help you understand your relationship to alcohol and options for support. Includes resources for loved ones and health care providers.

Source: Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse and BC Centre on Substance Use

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