Not drinking at all is the best option for youth under the legal drinking age, people who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, and those who are taking prescription medications or other drugs. People with an alcohol use disorder should abstain from alcohol but may need help with safely reducing or stopping drinking.
Avoid drinking while driving, using machinery or tools, performing physical activities, or when responsible for others’ safety.
Take a moment to reflect on your alcohol use. How often, how much, and how do you drink? Consider the following ways you can drink more safely:
An important first step towards drinking less is reflecting on when, where, and why you drink alcohol, and with whom.
Cutting back on your drinking, whether a little or a lot, can lead to huge benefits. Start small, and work your way down by doing the following:
Use our calculator to learn how much you could lower your health risks, save money, and reduce your calories by drinking less.